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connectivityTypeDefines the type of connectivity


Coax, TAL, OAL

accessTypeDefines the type and technology of the accessFTTH-Ethernet, FTTH-P2P, FTTH-GPON, FTTH-XGS-PON, FTTB-VDSL, FTTB-GFAST-CuDa., FTTB-GFAST-Coax, FTTB-DOCSIS, FTTB-Ethernet, FTTC-VDSL, FTTC-ADSL, FTTC-SDSL, HFC-DOCSIS
accessBandwidthDefines the upstream and downstream access bandwidth400 / 100 MBit/s
trafficHandoverDefines how the traffic is handed over to the resellerL2, L3, LT
trafficAggregationdefines ow the traffic is aggregated for handover
accessTerminationTypedefines the type of the access terminationwithOnt, withoutOnt
accessTerminationInterfacedefines the interface of the access terminationTAE, RJ45, E2000, LC-APC, ...
reversePoweringdefines if the DSLAM needs to be reverse poweredyes, no
leadTimedefines the typical lead time for provisioning an access
accessLineIddefines the identifier of the access line
transportInterconnectionPointidentifies the point of traffic interconnection
portdefines the configured port
cvlandefines the configured C-VLAN
svlandefines the configured S-VLAN
networkTerminationLocationdescribes the location of the network termination
dslTechnologydefines the DSL technology, when applicableADSL J, VDSL, Vectoring ,G.Fast
amountBundledDaamountBundledCopperPairsdefines the amount of bundled DAscopper pairs, when applicable1, 2, 3